Thursday, December 6, 2007
A Knight's Tale brings a totally new spirit to the medieval type movies. How many medieval dances are danced to David Bowe? You can't find many at all. All of the different aspects are brought to one's attention in this review by Elizabeth Abele, which is the link for this post.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Gangs of New York
In his 2002 review, Jeffery Westhoff praises the movie Gangs of New York by Matrin Scorcesse. Before giving a biography of the film Westhoff begins his review by saying, "both flawed and delayed, Martin Scorcese’s “Gangs of New York” still emerges as his most vital work since (GoodFellas)." After his biography Westhoff ends his review by compairing the film to Michal Moor's "Bowling for Columbine", which shows America as a Violent culture.
In Steve Rhodes review on the 2007 sci-fi flick, Transformers, he doesn't seem to really make any connection. He seems to think that the movie is like by many of its viewers, but those viewers seem to be a younger audience who most likely play with action figures. He doesn't seem to think that it would appeal to an older audience and thinks it is a big headache. He also describes the movie as " one long commercial for General Motors." I happen to disagree with Rhodes about this film. I am young, but I do not, and never have, played with action figures, and I saw the film and really enjoyed it.
Wimbledon Review
In this review, Ebert expresses why he likes the movie so much. He seems to think that the character really have something to say to one another as if it were an actual conversation and not just the actors lines. He really seemed to enjoy the scenes where the characters were connecting through their love of tennis. Roger also seemed to like the scenes where they were playing tennis. It wasn't just a movie that concentrated on the relationship two characters shared, but a movie with the sport played out in it. He gave this movie three stars! I also agree that the movie was touching and attacked real controversies surrounding love.
In this review, Ebert expresses why he likes the movie so much. He seems to think that the character really have something to say to one another as if it were an actual conversation and not just the actors lines. He really seemed to enjoy the scenes where the characters were connecting through their love of tennis. Roger also seemed to like the scenes where they were playing tennis. It wasn't just a movie that concentrated on the relationship two characters shared, but a movie with the sport played out in it. He gave this movie three stars! I also agree that the movie was touching and attacked real controversies surrounding love.
In this review Roger Ebert expresses the reasons why he enjoyed Wimbledon. He talks about how the conversation between the characters is actually a conversation and not just dialog. What Roger Ebert enjoyed most about WIMBLEDON was the warmth between the characters and the tennis action scenes. He gave the movie 3 stars and also says that the movie has a warmth that is worth
In this review Roger Ebert expresses the reasons why he enjoyed Wimbledon. He talks about how the conversation between the characters is actually a conversation and not just dialog. What Roger Ebert enjoyed most about WIMBLEDON was the warmth between the characters and the tennis action scenes. He gave the movie 3 stars and also says that the movie has a warmth that is worth
Monday, December 3, 2007
Gone With The Wind
Everyone knows Gone With the Wind as a classic love story. But do we know why it is so popular. It's been popular since it premiered in 1939 buy why? What is so great about it? This article goes on to explain why Gone With the Wind is so great.
The Pursuit of Happyness
On my other post, I wrote about Wilonsky, who said The Pursuit of Happyness is a horrible movie, well according to Michael Sragow of the Baltimore Sun, he disagreed with Wilonsky's ideas. Sragow loved Will Smith's performance and the different emotions he portrayed. Sragow also loved the director's approach to the movie and the overall theme he was trying to get across. Sragow wrote an excellent review and he criticized this movie with praise.
A Super Good, Super Bad Review
"Superbad is superfun across the board,"claims Peter Travers. He really seemed to enjoy the movie, reflected by the praise he gives the movie throughout his review of the 2007 comedy. He goes on to talk about Mintz-Plasse, a high school student who has never even acted before, made all the hopeless geeks around the country hopeful again. He goes on to talk about how well the movie related to teenagers everywhere. And seeing the movie myself, I have to agree with Peter and say that Super Bad is Super Good!
In this review of Saw, Roger Ebert didn't seem to like the film very much at all. Ebert claims, "Saw" is an efficiently made thriller, cheerfully gruesome, and finally not quite worth the ordeal it puts us through." Throughout the whole review, he claims that the movie is not as good as it could be and he doesn't seem to like horror films too much. He only gives the movie two stars, which I definitly do not agree with. I think that the movie was very well thought out and pulled viewers in. It made a lot of money in the box office and the creators ended up coming out with Saw 2, 3, and 4. I'm sure there are more on their way. I like this review because he makes many claims that I personaly do not agree with, which will be perfect for my final paper.
The Mist

Sunday, December 2, 2007
I looked around and came to this review which I found very interesting because the reviewer at first enjoyed the movie but in the eight month time period he some how started to change his view about the movie and ver much dislikes it for some very ovbious mistakes made in the movie which I also i agree with.
We Own the Night

This review Roger Ebert gives We Own the Night a three star review. The reason being is that the movie in itself is not all that original, for the material is similar to films such as “The Departed: (2006), and “Infernal Affairs” (2002). These movies also had a plot where two brothers were on two different sides of the war. Overall, Elbert did state that the film was intense and had good acting, but most importantly he liked that the film explored the fact of whose lives owned the night, for “We Own the Night” was a slogan used by New York police in the 1980s.
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