As students at UIC I'm sure that most of the students have walked by the hull house at least once. It's that eerie looking house on Halsted street and Polk street with the long banner. Occasionally, there may even be a bus labeled "Chicago Ghost Tours" parked right outside the building. With a bus like that around, something must be wrong. Anyways, Jane Adam's Hull House is a landmark when it comes to the social movement in American cities like Chicago. The website in which i have provided a link to claims that the house stands for something more than social movement. In fact, it claims that at nighttime it is possible to see a young boy standing in the top window staring down at those who pass by. The author of the website claims that Jane Adams harbored a young "devil child" and now his ghost forever haunts the Hull House. The author also talks about hauntings of those who stay overnight in the house. With haunted locations like these, it's no wonder why UIC students are always avoiding class.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Top 25 Horror Movies
Horror is a popular genre and appeals to many different groups of people no matter age or gender. I have found a link that goes through the top twenty five horror films made, according to IGN Entertainment. Among the list is movies such as "Friday the 13th", "Frankenstein", and "Halloween." The second film on this list is "The Exorcist." "The Exorcist" is based on a novel and the plot involves a girl who is possessed by demons. The number one movie named is "The Shining." According to this website "The Shining" is "An absolute masterpiece of atmosphere and tension. There's no suppressing its irresistible, nail-biting allure: from the dismembered twins to the disguised, canoodling partygoers in Room 237, The Shining offers frights that last long after the film is finished."
Highest GROSSING... get it?
A ranking of the top 25 highest grossing horror flicks of all time. JAWS tops the list, I wonder why? Shark attack!! An obvious one would be The Exorcist and it is second to the big shark movie. These two movies still out rank any new horror flick, impressive! At the bottom of the site gives a small list of the movies that were funny-horror films. Ghostbusters, being the number highest grossing in that category. Just in time for Halloween, enjoy!
"You'll find that I'm a good guy!"
Some of the "classic" horror movies, like Child's Play, are in dire need of a little fine tuning. By taking a look at this trailer, viewers should take into consideration the blatant mockery of the whole concept of a killer doll. Why else would they accompany such a horribly cliche 80's pop song if their main concern was leaving viewers frightened? I felt this was a good example of what NOT to do if one was contemplating writing and directing a horror film.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saw review
The reviewer starts off with a question towards audience. He asks, "How far would you go to save your own life." These questions are thought of while the audience are watching the movie. He gives a little preview of the movie. The movie Saw is about a group of people, in which they relate to each other, go through gruesome murderous acts. The mastermind Jigsaw is able to watch from afar the victims kill each other. He then makes a comparison between different movies like Phone Booth.He criticizes the ending because it seemed like there was a change and it turned into a different movie.
Writing a Screenplay
This link provides us with useful information on the writing of screenplays. It gives us a step by step guide to writing a screen play and a look at what writers have to go through write a worthwhile screen play. This website brings up all the necessities of a screenplay such as transitions, character names, plot, and dialouge. It also talks about how Lanier word processors are out now to make screenwriting easier and more efficient. This website gave me a good look into the do's and don'ts of screenwriting.
Top Ten Scariest Movies
This link is for a site that lists their opinion on the Top Ten Scariest movies. The writer lists movies that were not only main stream popular hits but more underground unknown about films. They list the old The Texas Chainsaw Massacre made in 1974 as the scariest and The Chekist as number ten. The writer describes the setting of each movie when he saw it that made it scarier. He also gives a brief description of each movie.
All the Horrors are in One Place
Did you know the first horror movie was only 3 minutes long? It must have been really scary. If you want to get a basic understanding of the horror genre then go to this site. This site includes every horror movie you can think of. It lists the oldest horror movie from 1896 to present day. It just doesn't list each movie, it tells you about it in detail. Pretty interesting stuff. I'm sure if you read this whole site you will become the master of horror movies. So get to it!
Top 50 Scary Movies of All Time
This link lists the 50 scariest movies of all time, according to This list is great because it included old classic horror movies, as well as newer horror movies. It is also great because it gives a brief overview of the films mentioned. Among my favorite from the list are, "28 Days Later", "Rosemary's Baby", "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Saw", "The Shinning" and "Halloween"... Oh and # 45 "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory", Oompa Loompas are just plain EVIL.
When I think of horror films, which isn’t vary often, I think of the Saw movies. Though I haven’t seen Saw IV yet, I have heard mixed reviews. The site I found was and it was the overview of Saw IV. The users rated the movie 6.8 out of 10 stars. Toward the bottom of the page users shared their comments. One wrote, “Who would've thought that a slasher horror film franchise, after three sequels, could STILL be one of the best things Hollywood has to boast today? Not I, that's for sure. The intricate, original, crowd pleasing, absolutely shocking, riveting, suspenseful "Saw" wowed audiences in 2004 and a very solid sequel did the same in 2005.” The user also said,” Saw IV is not the average horror flick.”“Saw IV delivers a completely different premise: it's darker, edgier, scarier, more complex, more intricately designed, and more controversial than its predecessors.” The user gave it a good review and now made me to want to see he movie even more! The link also has photos and videos from the movie.
Horrorfest: Eight Films To Die For
Eight Films To Die For is a film festival that takes place only one week out of the year. It showcases horror films from both up and common directors and well known directors showing off their expertise in the genre by displaying films from horror, slasher, and thrillers. Last year's movies included The Grave Dancers, Death Ride, and The Forgotten. Though every movie may not be to your liking, the scripts are actually pretty well written aside from the normal generic horror scripts or sequel we see every Halloween. You can buy an all access pass at this website to reserve yourself seating for all eight movies and get an extras bag afterwards. You don't need to travel far, being a nationwide event, Horrorfest will take place in 350 theaters nationwide. Come on down and watch the masters of horror do what they do best.
The Stanley Hotel
The Stanley Hotel is located in Estes Park, Colorado and is said to be extremely haunted. This hotel was built in the 1920s for the elite and was also the location where Stephen King wrote The Shinning. Although the movie The Shinning was filmed at a different location, there are many similarities in the two hotels. This clip documents some encounters that cannot be explained by "normal" terms.
Screenwriter Advice
The advice given to a beginning screenwriter is write something original. Write several scripts of your own and see where your story leads beforecoping one on a scriptwriting system. The best advice given is to just do it, have faith in yourself.
You should have your work read aloud by other actors so you can pin point what needs to be done to make the script better. Some more good advice is to get your story published before you turn it into a movie because it gets you more recognition and then more than likely your book will sell more when you turn it into a movie, whereas it wouldn't have if you just jump straight into making it a movie.
The best way to get the attention of a director or star is to make sure that your script has memorable characters, the story must play out visually, and it needs a "hook" that will make it promotable.
You should have your work read aloud by other actors so you can pin point what needs to be done to make the script better. Some more good advice is to get your story published before you turn it into a movie because it gets you more recognition and then more than likely your book will sell more when you turn it into a movie, whereas it wouldn't have if you just jump straight into making it a movie.
The best way to get the attention of a director or star is to make sure that your script has memorable characters, the story must play out visually, and it needs a "hook" that will make it promotable.
100 Best Horror Movies
Horror Movies, people watch it when they are bored or for fun and amusement. If it is a psychological or gory horror movie, people will still watch it. Here I found a website for the 100 Best Horror Movies. They have a range of movies that are from the 1930s like #79 The Invisible Man. To the most recent horror movie #52 Saw. I also provided a scene from #9 Carrie, when Carrie goes berserk at her prom. That movie is one of the top 10 horror movies. Maybe you'll be surprise on who will make it on the list, I was certainly surprised on who made it, like The Phantom of the Opera.
"MONSTERFEST: 42 FILMS 240 HOURS. NO MERCY. TV's BIGGEST HORROR EVENT IS ONLY ON AMC!"Every year around this time AMC (American Movie Classics) runs a horror movie special. This year they're airing 240 hours of nonstop horror and calling the movie marathon Monsterfest. They also have a lot of things going on at their site. There is a blog, games, photo galleries, movie clips and a whole lot more. The film fest began October 22nd and it ends on Halloween night. And there's only one movie that could close the show, none other than John Carpenter's Halloween and all the movies from the franchise. I'm mentioning this a little late, but if you're a fan of horror look out for the marathon next year; chances are your favorite movie will make the cut.
So you want to sell a script?
The site I linked to gives you information on how to submit a script. It gives you writer resources, a writer's rolodex, procduction co.'s, literary agengcies, a list of literary managers, other film reviews, a Q & A forum, film news, columns, and so on... So if anyone thinks they have a well-plotted script, send it in to this site. IF you want my advise though, I think it's all just a giant scam.
Screenwriting tips
This screenwriting link, gives you very specific steps to create our own film. The wesite not only gives you tips on eveything you need to know but examples are even given. It tells you how long to keep your scenes, how to establish a suspense plot. It also explains the difference between visual and a verbal storytelling, a mistake made very often. They also give you help on the most important question that the reviewers will ask, "So tell me, what's this movie about?"
Monday, October 29, 2007
The website that is linked is a basic walk through of screen writing. The opening page gives you a brief synopsis of what the whole website is about. It then goes on to give you quick links to skip to a certain part that you want to read. Though this website gives you basic things to work with and learn from it seems as though they let you explore more in depth certain ways to do things. They have links to coming up with titles for films and extending scenes to even simpler things like the basic format of a screen play. They also give you tips on writing a dialogue for a film.
Technical tips for writing a screen play
This web site gives basic instructions on how to write a standard screen play. From type of paper to format, this site explaines it all. "Screenplays are traditionally written on 8 1/2" x 11" white 3-hole punched paper. No page number is printed on the first page. The type style used is the Courier 12 font. The top and bottom margins are between .5" and 1". The left margin is between 1.2" and 1.6". The right margin is between .5" and 1"." if you are looking for practical tips when writing a screen play this site is is perfect.
10 steps to write a screenplay
This website is filled with advice for the novice screenwriter who has no idea where or how to start his movie. The author of the website gives the reader 10 vital steps that will turn any novice into a professional screenwriter who is ready to take on the challenge of thinking up a script. One of the steps that he says is necessary is peer editing. The author claims that it is important for close friends and other peers to read the screenplay in order to get feedback and insight into how the screenplay could be better. Another tip that the author gives is to know the market that you're dealing with. For example, if your target audience is the children of America, it would not be wise to include mature and adult themes in the movie. However, if the target audience was a group was a group of adults, the mature and adult themes might be acceptable. All in all, if the reader follows the instructions on this website carefully, then producing a screenplay might be a little closer than he or she thinks.
Screen Writing Tips
To have a create Screenplay you must first select a genre, then create a plot structure with character development, and the dialogue must not be dry or uninteresting. Find your audience and capture it with a familiar dialect , and capture social issues that are relative.
A video for online screen writing classes
Screen Play Format
How To Write a Screenplay Successfully
Here's a website that will walk you through step by step on how to write a successful screenplay. It will teach you how to write a screenplay for every genre of film. Check this out. I have gotten some really cool tips from this site. Enjoy!
How to write a Romantic Comedy Screenplay
Writing a romantic screenplay is hard, but when someone wants to add a comedic performance to it, the writing gets more difficult. On the website eHow, the writers give people the instructions, tips, and warnings on writing a successful romantic comedy like Knocked Up. The writers lay out 5 steps which include a brief description of what to put in the screenplay and what order each action should be placed in the movie. The writes also give people a few tips and warnings like "Strive for having a few big comedic moments. The orgasm scene in "When Harry Met Sally" or the zipper scene in "Something About Mary" are great examples of memorable comedic moments in a romantic comedy. " This website is very helpful because it lays out the steps in a basic way that anyone can understand. It can help non-writes get a basic start on writing a romantic comedy screenplay. I think writing any thing is hard, but when someone gives instructions, it makes the situation easier.
Writing Horror
Tips for Screenwriters
This link is written by Gordy Hoffman giving some advices for screenwriters. He has written and directed three digital shorts for Fox Searchlight. He advises people to use right jokes in right places, but "If you find you are not funny, write a script that is not funny. Many, many great scripts are not funny, as we all know", he says. He also tells some basics writing scripts, like format.
Writing a Great Screenplay
In this article, Billy Wilder once said, "Audiences don't know somebody sits down and writes a picture. They think the actors make it up as they go along." A script is basically the main tool for a movie and the television industry. It will be a hit for something new that nobody have thought of before. Basically it starts out with a blank piece of paper with things that are created with a story. Then some characters are added in it to start the visualization process in a making of a hit movie. After all, a good script will need to be something fresh and not old that somethings been used before. Surprise the producers and the audience with these great ideas and you'll get a great movie of a great screenplay. Here are some classes you can take to be a better screenwriter.
The First Ten Pages
The writer repeats several times "I cannot stress enough how important the first ten pages of your screenplay are." The writer says the first ten pages decides whether your screenplay will be a huge success or a failure. The first ten pages must answer so many questions or begin answering them. They must grab your reader and make them want more or else the reader may lose interest and stop reading. The writer gives us a couple of tips for those critical first ten pages. They must tell us what the screenplay has to offer us. For example is it a love story or action. It needs to have a hook. A hook is something that seperates your story from the rest, it gives us a reason to keep reading. Whether it is a horror film or a love story the first ten pages must be well thought out and reviewed several times because they are the most critical. |
Screenwritting Guide

I found a website that has a complete set of guideline on how to write a screen play. There are tips on every aspect of the screen writing process. The site has tips on how to keep the reader interested, how to avoid common mistakes, and it also helps develop ideas. This site will be extremely useful for our current project to whoever takes the time to look at it. Its very hard to come up with an idea for the script, the guide addresses this issue. It includes things like: how to make a good script, script styles, characters names etc. Overall it’s surprising how much work actually goes into making a screenplay, much more then it seems at first. The guide will help with the common problems with writing the script.
Screenwriting Tips
I have foung a website that gives numerous tips on how to screenwrite effectively. It starts with the basics and continues on from there. It gives different tips on if you're writing a television script or a movie script. It tells which genre you should write about whether it's television or a movie film. You should alway have someone on your side during this process as the tips state. Stay persistent and you can accomplish writing what you want to write.
How does one write a script for a horror movie? As a group, we are working one of the creepiest, most horrific, and terrifying horror movie ever. Although we have an outline of what we would like to do, we have to learn the rules of screenwriting. On this site, Mark Albracht gives the reader insights, tricks, and ways in writing a solid and well-organized script for a horror movie. Using other movies’ scripts as examples, Mark Albracht does an excellent job in conveying his message to all screenwriters. Regardless of the genre, Mark Albracht’s tricks will help everyone write better scripts. Check it out!

Sunday, October 28, 2007
In the following article Kal Bishop gives a few tips on screen writing. He explains how important the structure of screenwriting is in four bullet points. Next he talks who the Hero's Journey is in the story by saying, "While it is useful to know about plot points, three act structure, mid point (thus four act structure) and so on, this is (virtually) useless for screenwriting". He gives examples of films that have used the Hero's Journey which are films such as Titanic, Spiderman, and Star Wars. He is giving his advice to make a writer feel more comfortable and be able to write a better story. To see it in a bit more detail just follow the link!
Tips from two screenwriters
These two screenwriters both point out the seriousness and care that it takes to write a screen play. Whatever a person writes about should be personal. They should know everything about what they are writing about. "Remember that a good screenplay is a story and stories are critically important - they offer people equipment for living. Write about what is familiar to you and what you are passionate about." This site also says a person should write a treatment, an outline, that describes everything that happens in the film. It should be very detailed, even being as long has a hundred pages.
Screenwriting- The Basics
In this article, Christopher Welsh explains the very basics to screenwriting. Once getting the idea for the perfect movie, and watching hundreds of movies and knowing where they went wrong and right, now you've got to write the screenplay and sell it. A screenplay serves two purposes, to tell a story and provide a guide to a filmmaker or director with which to make the movie. It is a story told in scenes. When writing a script, there are two basic elements that you have to keep in mind, action and dialog. Once, the script is finished, it must be formatted to meet certain industry standards. Mastering screenwriting, just like any other art, can take a lifetime, however, it can be very rewarding. The best way to write a good script and learn how it should be formatted, is to read screenplays. The basics are described in this article to give you a jumpstart on writing your first screenplay.
success at screenwriting
The article talks about how to be successful at writing a screenplay. The author says that you need to learn to take risks in creating a unique screenplay, be organized, and learn how to show your final piece. He says you should ask urself questions about your screenplay. For example, does it have a beginning, middle, and end. He also, says that you should make a screenplay interesting and unique. And lastly Brian,the author, says that you should send your screenplay in like a pro. Don't number the pages of the screenplay script because it makes you look like an amerature.
Avoid Mistakes!

To some of us it may be our first time taking the role as a screenwriter; therefore I searched the Internet to find tips for screenwriters. From this search I came across this particular website that had an article by Charles Deemer.
You may be wondering who is Charles?
Charles Deemer teaches at Portland State University and he is the author of the electronic screenwriting tutorial, Screenwright: the craft of screenwriting. Since he is a professor I thought it would be interesting to take a look at tip he has for students. With this we look at his article, where he outlines the most serious screenwriting mistakes such as fiction rhetoric, expository dialogue, chit chat, and poor focus. I personally thought this article helps us since it identifies common mistakes of screenwriters. I ask of you to take a look at this article by Charles Deemer to help avoid common mistakes.
Screen Writing 101

Beginning Screenwriting focuses on the aspects of writing your first full length screenplay. They explore everything from the layout of the screenplay to showing an example. this article will help anyone whos interested in screenwriting or if someone is trying to become a screenwriter. the article his all the main points for example; writing basics, 3 acts, subjects, characters, screenplay format, different film shots, and much more.
The Basics of Screenwriting
- The website I have linked to, provides short teaching sessions on how to write a script, and how to develop a story. The website has inserted a tutorial made by the American Film Industry, which was made to help professional and amateur screenwriters. There are five full sessions included on this free excerpt, they are very useful. Whether you are wondering how to start shaping a character, or what size margins to use in your final script, these sessions can help.
- Create effective premises that engage readers in your screenplay.
- Identify techniques for creating compelling characters.
- Develop efficient structures for your stories by applying such screenplay devices as buttons, visual storytelling, and set-ups and payoffs.
- Define such terms as back story, dramatic through-line and the three-act structure.
- Practice techniques to help you in the craft of creating screenplays--from techniques helping you learn when to write, to tips on what script readers don't want to read.
- Use templates, examples from familiar movies and formatting tips for your computer to learn how to turn your ideas into a finished product.
These are some of the things that are explained in the sessions.
Screenwriting Basics
The site that I have linked to gives eleven expert tips for beginning screenwriters. The titles of these tips are:
1. The Screenplay as a Blueprint
2. A Script Is Not Literature
3. A Collaborative Art
4. Formatting
5. Read Other Scripts
6. Watch Movies Like A Screenwriter
7. Passion: Yes! Formula: No!
8. Show, Don't Tell
9. Complex, Not Complicated
10. Character Vs. Plot
11. The Old Lady In The Fifth Row
The tip that I thought to be most helpful is the first tip. Screenplays are compared to blueprints because they give a vision of a film as a architect gives a vision of a building structure. "A screenplay conveys the screenwriter's vision and helps the reader-and later the film crew-see what the writer sees". This link gives a very good outline of how a beginning screenwriter may go about putting together a screenplay.
1. The Screenplay as a Blueprint
2. A Script Is Not Literature
3. A Collaborative Art
4. Formatting
5. Read Other Scripts
6. Watch Movies Like A Screenwriter
7. Passion: Yes! Formula: No!
8. Show, Don't Tell
9. Complex, Not Complicated
10. Character Vs. Plot
11. The Old Lady In The Fifth Row
The tip that I thought to be most helpful is the first tip. Screenplays are compared to blueprints because they give a vision of a film as a architect gives a vision of a building structure. "A screenplay conveys the screenwriter's vision and helps the reader-and later the film crew-see what the writer sees". This link gives a very good outline of how a beginning screenwriter may go about putting together a screenplay.
How to Write A Screenplay
This website gives you a 3 step structure of what to base your screenplay on.
1) Establish you character and general situation ,
2) force him up a tree and throw rocks at him and
3) get him down again. Then it elaborates on the three structures and what exactly do they mean. It also gives youa way on how to pitch your movie directors and film industries. Look at the webiste and see if it will help.
1) Establish you character and general situation ,
2) force him up a tree and throw rocks at him and
3) get him down again. Then it elaborates on the three structures and what exactly do they mean. It also gives youa way on how to pitch your movie directors and film industries. Look at the webiste and see if it will help.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Screenwriting according to Hoffman

The link above will take you to a site that outlines screenwriting basics. The site includes articles dealing with screenwriting, all written by Gordy Hoffman. Hoffman is an acclaimed screenwriter who currently teaches Graduate screenwriting at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, and is the founder of The BlueCat Screenwriting Competition, which is widely considered one of the best screenplay competitions for finding and fostering undiscovered writing talent.
write GOOD...
The number one rule about writing a screenplay is ORGANIZATION. You also need to have a "inner road map that your characters are going to generally follow," says the site. General ideas work for a novelist becasue they have time to ramble and work their ideas together. The other main thing to remember is structure, structure, structure; no one wants to read a rambling screenplay.
"The basic structure of the three part screenplay is:
1) Establish you character and general situation ,
2) force him up a tree and throw rocks at him and
3) get him down again."
1) Establish you character and general situation ,
2) force him up a tree and throw rocks at him and
3) get him down again."
There's more to a screenplay than the actual piece itself, the writer has to be disciplined, tough, and a lot of luck.
On the Lot
I think it was about last year or so when Fox came out with a reality tv show worth watching, no I'm serious. On The Lot was presented by Steven Spielberg where people who liked to make movies got the chance to actually strike a deal with Spielberg to make their very own. However the climb to the top is filled with a lot of obstacles. Not only did they have to make trailers and movies of various genres for the audience to vote on, but their first test was to do what we're doing now, pitch a movie. They were given twelve hours to prepare and some were pretty great and the judges gave them critiques afterwards. I tried looking for the better ones on and the web, but not surprisingly I only got the junk pitches. The critiques are still worth it in the end. Hope you find this helpful. Watching the series or other clips was fun and I think it'll help a lot if you can somehow dig up the old episodes, but for now, enjoy "Belt Boy."
Want to make a good Movie?
If you have ever wanted to create a storyline that would hit big but never knew where to get started or what to write about, the website I have linked to can give answers. I have linked to the homepage of a fantastic website full of all the information one could ever need to create a great storyline. The author goes from explaining how to get started writing to what an actual script should look like in written form. The author says it himself, All of the information necessary to make a screenplay rise above the rest is on the menu button at left, marked 'Screen Writing'.". It's that easy.
How to write a screenplay
This article talks about the basics needed for starting a screenplay. It gives you tips on how to creat and name characters, useful transitions, and so much more. The article is set up into different headings so you can pick the areas where you need to most help and start from there. Also you can find some do's and don'ts fro writing and also see some other formats for screenplays that can be used. Well I hope this is helpful to whoever reads it.
"The Dreaded Screenplay Format"

Bill Craig is the author of Since the screenplay is the most important step to getting your movie approved it is necessary to know what is needed in your screenplay and what is desired in a screenplay. He provides you with definitions, formats, spacing, "slug lines", fonts, even dashes to make your project perfect. Craig encourages the reader saying that "...screenplay's are not a literary form like a novel...The screenplay is more like a blueprint for a movie."
Be Prepared!
"Getting Mentally Prepared to Make Your First Film" is an article giving tips on how to take your idea from your head and putting it on the big screen. It gives great tips on how you can figure out if your idea is really worth production and how to go about making a movie out of it. "They used to call moviemaking a “silver addiction,” referring to the old days when silver salts were used to create film stocks. Although you won’t need film stock to make your movie, you will need that addiction." This is there first paragraph and I think it really gives a good idea of what the article is about. I know everyone is thinking addictions aren't good but in this case it's what you really need to get you throught the grueling hours of work ahead.
Extra! Extra! Write All About It!
"Screenwriting is a DISCIPLINED form of creative writing," stated the author, Lenore Wright, of the article: "Tutorial On Screenplay Formatting: How the Pros Do It Invisibly." Throughout the article, Wright included sub-topics that give detailed advice on the long road to writing a film. Also, towards the end of the page, she includes sample scripts to compare to, screenplay software that professionals use, free script ware to download, online sources for shooting scripts, and a WEB mini-guide to help give people who are pursuing a career in screen writing that extra push.
Good luck!
Good luck!
The Ideal Screenwriter
Being a writer is not an easy job. But being a screenwriter is even harder on what to write about. Here I found some helpful tips for those up and coming screenwriters. They said the first thing to do is to format a proper screenplay. Second, you need to find a story for your screenplay. Choose a plotline to hook your readers. Third, you need to have characters that come to life on the page. They need to be unique, flawed, and funny. Fourth, write what you know. Write a story that you truly want to write about. And fifth, establish a schedule to write. If you have a lot of stuff to do like a job or family, establish set time everyday to write your screenplay. There are more tips for being a screenwriter on the website that I have provided.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Screenwriting Tips for Screenwriters
I don't know much about screenwriting, but i can imagine it being very difficult. Especially, for some one like me, who has a hard time writing a normal paper. No matter how good you are at writing papers, first time screen writers will always have trouble starting out. So I was going through my searches and came across this website. I really find this website very helpful. This website includes many tips, tips for writing for television or for films. It also gives you tips on how to start it out. Most importantly this website gives you tips on how to find an agent and tips on networking! I seriously think networking is the main key in film industry. I hope you find this very helpful.
Screenwriters Federation of America

After searching through out the Internet for the most helpful tips on beginning screenwriting, I found that the Screenwriters Federation of America was the most elaborate. This website offers a variety of tools for all levels of screenwriting. Levels range from beginners to telling you how to submit and market your screenplay when you are all finished! More specifically for beginners, it follows you through the basics of screenplay format, story structure, coverage analysis and copyright laws providing you with all the tools to write a successful screenplay. I believe the most helpful tip this website stated was that,"Picking the right premise is the most important decision you will make in the entire screenwriting process." It then elaborates on the idea saying that,"You can't just be a good Screenwriter. You also have to be able to sell your material. And in Hollywood, where nobody likes to read anything, you must be able to convince a Producer that you have a terrific story—by giving it to them in one line. If you do not have a great premise, nothing else you do in the screenwriting process will make a difference." Quick tips from the Screenwriters Federation of America's website are sure to help any beginner screenwriter start their journey.
Advice to Beginning Screenwriters
In this YouTube link, a professional screenwriter, Barry Morrow, is interviewed and asked to give advice to beginning screenwriters. He gives tips like do not move to California right away, it is best to live at home and save your money because you will not sell your first script and it will be tough to make it big in Hollywood. He also says that instead of writing one script, you should write five then choose the best one and build on it. Although this is a short clip, Barry gives great advice that is very helpful.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Tips You Need
Writing a movie can be quite challenging especially when it is your first time and you aren't sure of what to do. This is why the Internet is such a great tool. I have found a website that gives tips and advice for just this reason. The link points out the mistakes most often made by first-timers and gives a description of each. After reading this you will definitely know what not to do. The number one mistake made is not being creative enough and taking too much from other popular movies that might be out at the time. According to the link "This pilferage is a misguided attempt to write a 'commercial' movie or as a substitute for digging deep and coming up with an effective, compelling story on their own." The link goes on to give more most commonly made mistakes and also answers most asked questions, all of which are very helpful.
What is even a screen play?
What the heck even is a screen play? Well if your not an avid movie maker like me, this site I found will tell you all about it. A screen play is "a document that outlines every aural, visual, behavioral, and lingual element required to tell a story." So now that you know what a screen play is all about you can also learn what makes a good screen play. From making the audience be passionate about the characters, to the screen play having conflict, this website tells you everything that makes a good screen play. Now read everything this site has to offer and you will become the best screen writer out there!!! (no guarantees though)
The Unsinkable Ship
This link takes you to a very complimenting review of titanic by Rodger Ebert. It describes the flawlessness of the film and the incredible effects it had in the movie industry. The next link is a movie trailer that really captures the greatness the made titanic one of the most successful films of all time.
Mmm... It Smells Like Movie Success To Me!
Lenore Wright introduces a checklist for screenwriters to adopt when developing a hit film. It includes the simple questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. If you don't address each of these questions, then your script is not ready to submit. This is especially helpful when trying to propose your idea to big time directors and producers. Wright says, "They can smell it," already knowing if it's worthy or not. The questions also define everything from setting selection to camera techniques. It may seem somewhat basic and too obvious, but in the long run it's what makes a script more defined and detailed.
Top ten things to know when writing a film
The website I found was by William C. Martell. He wrote the Screenwriting 101 column for the Independent Film Channel's magazine. The website is called Script Secrets-The Write Place for Screenwriting Information. He gives a list of top ten things someone should know if they are planning on writing their own film. They are:
1.“To write a good script that can be made cheap”
2.” You need a great high concept” or a great idea
3. To know what “you got access to”
4. “Limit and centralized locations”
5. “Limit your characters to 10-15 speaking roles”
6. “Nothing you can not control”
7. “One extra location”
8. “Stunts”
9. “If you are making an action movie or thriller, think personal” and
10. “Take things to the limit.”
He believes with having these things in your movie that it will turn out great.
1.“To write a good script that can be made cheap”
2.” You need a great high concept” or a great idea
3. To know what “you got access to”
4. “Limit and centralized locations”
5. “Limit your characters to 10-15 speaking roles”
6. “Nothing you can not control”
7. “One extra location”
8. “Stunts”
9. “If you are making an action movie or thriller, think personal” and
10. “Take things to the limit.”
He believes with having these things in your movie that it will turn out great.
What it takes go make it work...
Writing comedy is not easy. You can write a million jokes and only a few will actually get a laugh from your audience. It is much more difficult to write it than to write something like drama or horror. Your audience will come and eat up anything you have to give them if you write a drama with a story. But if you write comedy, you have to cater to them, and tailor to what they find funny and what they like. Some people laugh at some things, and others at other things. If you write it and say to yourself, and say "I personally don't find it funny," then you're doing something wrong with your writing. This article is basically a collage of a bunch of comedy writers and comedians who talk about being successful in writing comedy. A lot of them have a background in comedy and have wanted to write or become comedians since they've been young. And most of them say that writing comedy cannot detract from the story involved with it. And as Harold Ramis says, "Getting a big, important laugh requires a big, important subject."
Titanic, Love It or Hate It!
Rotten Tomatoes is a site full of movie reviews by different people. In this perticular link is the page of reviews on Titanic. If there is a ripe red tomatoe by the review it means the write liked the movie, if there is a green splat (rotten tomatoe) it means the writer did not like the movie. This link is a good source of discussion on Titanic. Not everyone loves the movie like I do and this site surely shows that.
In the review of "Titanic" by Brandon Stahl, the movie is said to be one of the best movies of the year(1997). Stahl feels that the $200 million spent on making the movie was worth it. He tells his opinion on the movie in general. He says that it was the best movie that he had seen in a decade. He also mentions that this is a sympathy movie. In my opinion this was a very interesting movie, and like Stahl I also feel that it was a sympathy movie. So of course when I first saw the movie I too cried. This really is one of the best romance movies of all time.
What It Takes To Become a Screenwriter

Daniel Snyder
Screenwriter Paul Guay says,“The thing that separates more successful writers from less successful writers, the most important thing, is the perseverance. There are a lot of people who are lucky. There are a lot of people who are born with connections or have the kind of personality to easily make some. But if you don’t have that, you have to keep pushing, you have to keep generating ideas, you have to not take rejection personally, because almost everything you come up with will be rejected, and even the scripts that eventually sell will probably be turned down by a number of people first. So you’re constantly hearing ‘No.’ And in the face of that, you have to you have to persevere.” Paul Guay is the writer of "Liar Liar" and "Little Rascals."
The writer of this article, Daniel Snyder, gives us many opinions of what several screenwriters had to say. Mainly about what it takes to become a successful screenwriter. Of course opinions can also be advice. The linked article has great tips and advice to screenwriters. Better yet,the article gives advice that can create a very successful writer.

Monday, October 22, 2007
Frank Ochieng Gives Titanic 3 1/2 Stars I Give It 5!

In this film review, Frank Ochieng explains what he likes about the film and exactly who the characters are. He makes it clear who the two main characters are and how they discover their love to be unbreakable. He also tells us his opinion of the director of the film. He doesn't fail to mention that the shipwreck was a disaster. He gives us the plot between the characters as well. I believe the movie was outstanding. Of course the film brings tears to the viewers eyes in the end, but I suppose that's what made the movie good. Just read the review and see how much the movie made. I still find it amazing how a disaster can become a movie, and receive positive feedback.
Making of Titanic
This film review was written by Roger Ebert on December 19, 1997. Ebert begins this review by first describing the inside of the ship itself. In the next paragraph, he then describes how great it was, by describing the things about the ship that amazed and fascinated the people; it was known as the "largest moving work of man in all history", also as the "unsinkable". Ebert agreed it was unsinkable until Titanic hits the iceberg. He then discusses the things we audience expect to see in the film, and how they were well fulfilled. From there, he begins to tell the story of the movie Titanic, from the happy beginning to the sad ending. Then he gives credit to the perfection of the movie, based on the acting and the wonderful writing of the movie. Roger concludes his review, by telling us his reactions towards the movie, by pointing out some of the scenes to us.
Feel the titanic and others heart sinking while rating rise
In this little review, we see an AOL user really go into depth the characters and how they fit with the sort of history into the Titanic and who and who should have not won awards for best actor/actresses. It gives another reason why the Titanic stood above all the other movies and is one of the best of all time
Jelani Whitehorne
Jelani Whitehorne
Rogert Ebert begins his review by giving a brief history of the titanic. Ebert gives Cameron credit for not making a love story out of a tragedy, but for making it work so well. He also credits the actors for displaying great emotion during the actual sinking of the ship by not making it too much of a typical love scene. Criticism, an element in almost all romance reviews, is not present in the review from the titanic because of how well the movie is potrayed.
Titanic 1997 vs.Titanic 1912

The link above will take you to a site that compares the actors who played the real people that were on board the RMS Titanic originally in 1912. The site is very interesting in that it includes the pictures of the actors and the real people they portrayed, revealing that many bear a striking resemblence to one another. The site also includes other facts comparing the real events to the film.
Here is an interesting blog in which several bloggers post their opinions on the film Titanic and its characters. Take a look. Post another blog if it interests you.
Titanic--Long Epic of Disappointment?
"Cameron's offering is pretty weak: It's two kids on a really big boat. And a story about how bad things can happen to nice people. His writing of the love story is awkward, even embarrassing."
Make your own decision, but i agree...
The following link I have attached is on mistakes based on the film Titanic. They have taken certain scenes from the film and put them up for people to vote if they agree with their statement or not. Anyone can view the website and vote as well, but in order to vote one must become a member. As I was reading them I realized things of the film that I had never paid attention to before. I certainly agreed with some of then, they even have a link for proof! Want to check out mistakes and bloopers on Titanic and many other films? Then this is the site for you!
The author begins the review with a little description on the boat Titanic. He talks about the indestructibility of the boat. According to Roger the movie was a 200 million dollar movie. He explains how the movie was intelligent and it was flawless. Basically the movie titanic is a tragic drama story. It is about two culturally different lovers. Later the one of the two lovers meets his tragic end in order to save his beloved. The movie was constructed well.
Titanic a bad movie?
Nathan Johnson the reviewer on the movie explains that the movie is bad except for the amazing special effects. The acting he says was terrible on Leonardo DiCaprio's behalf. Nathan says he overacted to many scenes but he's bad acting was he was given bad screenplays according to Nathan. All in all, Nathan viewed the movie as not so good.
Cameron's Masterpiece
In Joe Chamberlain's review he talks about how James Cameron makes one of the greatest love films. Chamberlain wonders how anyone can spend over 200 million dollars on a film especially a film that everyone knows the ending to. He questions director and writer James Cameron on poorly spending his money and how he did not bother hiring big names to star in his film. After Chamberlain saw the movie he wonders to himself how he could have ever questioned James Cameron on his masterpiece. Chamberlain says after having huge success with his Terminator movies Cameron was on his way out of his film making career that is until Titanic was released. He now refers to Cameron "As being among the greatest directors of all time. Chamberlain also comments on the amazing special effects and knows exactly where the extra money went towards. Cameron truly hit a bulls eye making this film.
Titanic's Highlights
This is a movie review by Andrea Chee. Chee gave the movie 4 out of 5 stars. Chee talks about the characters in the movie, the plot, and the film director. Chee describe's the director James Cameron's film of the Titanic a masterpiece. Chee also, talks about how much money this movie cost to make with all of the special effects this movie put in for the cost. She also talks about how the two main character's did a great job how making this movie. The movie review is really good to help the audience to know what the movie was about and it gives some information about the history of the Titanic at the same time. This movie was an excellent movie to see if you love to watch a romance movie.
Titanic: A Schizophrenic Film
It was interesting to read how Rod Armstrong described the romantic epic Titanic, as a schrizophrenic film. He goes on explaining how in his mind, the film is actually two films. Armstrong describes the film as "a trite romantic drama about young love and a spellbinding disaster flick which spares no expense." He explains how when viewing the film, he is always itching for the boat to start sinking. His strong criticism on the film opposes the opinions of other film critics. While other critics complement the film, Armstrong states how the film's script is mediocre, with just adequate acting, and is just too long.

When searching on the internet i found a review of the Titanic on the Los Angeles Times web site. The review was written by Kenneth Turan. The beginning of the review answers the question, "what does $200 million buy?". The movie had the largest film budget of any movie ever made. The more than three hour movie used a 775 ft. scale model of the real ship. The scale model was sunk in a seventeen million gallon pool. You can just imagine why it cost so many millions to make this film. Kenneth Turan later introduces James Cameron as the producer of the film. He mentions some of his other works. Turan criticizes Cameron on his film. He believes that writing this kind of movie was not in his abilities. Cameron goes on to say that the movie "reeks of phoniness and lacks even minimal originality". I chose to post this review because it was the first one that I saw that had negative things to say about the movie.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Titanic; who lives, and who dies...
If you have not seen Titanic, well you are missing out on one of the best love stories depicted on film. Not only does the movie possess great effects and acting, it is also a great way to show class struggle during that time. The main character, Rose De Witt Bukater, played by Kate Winslet, is forced to marry a man because of his money, while Jack Dawson, played by Leonardo DiCaprio lives with everything tied to his back. The only reason they get the chance to encounter one another is because of a lucky game of poker Jack happened to win five minutes before the ship set off.
The movie may start off slow at first but minutes before the actualyl sinking of the ship occurs is when things take a turn for the better. With this incident, we can see the true value of wealth as they were given first priority on the lifeboats; most half full. Those unfortunate were left with no other choice but to throw themselves overboard, trying to keep themselves from freezing to death.
The film review by Bryant Frazer goes into detail about the differences between the classes as well as the his opinions about the film itself. Once you read it, you decide. Who should have lived, and who should have died?
The movie may start off slow at first but minutes before the actualyl sinking of the ship occurs is when things take a turn for the better. With this incident, we can see the true value of wealth as they were given first priority on the lifeboats; most half full. Those unfortunate were left with no other choice but to throw themselves overboard, trying to keep themselves from freezing to death.
The film review by Bryant Frazer goes into detail about the differences between the classes as well as the his opinions about the film itself. Once you read it, you decide. Who should have lived, and who should have died?
Where did the footage come from?
This blog talks about how recently, back in August, Reuters made a report of Russian submarines planting the planting their flag on the seabed underneath the North Pole. They had a whole article with pictures and video. But, the problem was pointed out by a 13 year old Finnish school boy, that the footage released by Reuters was very similar to that of what is shown in the movie Titanic, which was taken by two Finnish submersibles. It is just another one of the things that makes you think and question the credibility of even such major news organizations such as Reuters. Just something to think about.
Even More Titanic Parody Videos
Ahhh. The time-less art of re-cutting movie clips into something hilarious. You have to love it. I found two funny clips on YouTube that poke fun of the movie's dramatic circumstances. While they are meant to get laughs, I think at least one of the clips serves as a way to highlight the many qualities of the film. It is obviously a romance film at its core, but Titanic also has some thriller and comedic qualities.
One of the clips is animated. The other is put together from actual scenes from the film Titanic.
One of the clips is animated. The other is put together from actual scenes from the film Titanic.
Questioning the Titanic's story
This is a really interesting article about Titanic. It has pictures camparing some faces of both actors in Titanic and the real people. The actors are all looked like the real people. Click it and see by yourself! The writer of this article also asks a few questions about Titanic: "Who sketched Jack's drawing of Rose that we see in the movie Titanic?", "Were any of Pablo Picasso's paintings lost with the Titanic?", "Did the Titanic's band continue to play as the ship went under?"... You can find all the answers in the article.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Movie & Tragedy... equally worth?
We have to admit that at the ending of the movie Titanic we start to get a little teary. Come on, it's not only romantic it's tragic! Ofcoarse most guys and even girls wont tear or even admit to crying. But what if I gave you a deeper insight on the Titanic, some real facts?
On April 10, 1912 first class parlor suites for The Titanic cost an equivalent of $90,000 today. That day 2,227 passengers got on board, 705 of those passengers survived. Only one 1st class child died when 49 steerage children died. Did you remember one of Rose's conversations with Thomas Andrew when she asked him how many lifeboats there were? Well, not enough was a correct answer! The ship could have carried 32 but only carried 20 because the extra 12 hid the ship's beauty. A law actually required for there to be 962 lifeboat seats, they carried 1,178, when in reality 2,708 were needed. As shown in the movie, Thomas Andrew gets upset when he realizes that the lifeboats were not carrying enough people. When a lifeboat could have carried 64 passengers, it only carried 28. 472 lifeboat seats were not used. Remember how the character Cal manages to safe himself by taking a girl he found and pretending he was all she had to get on the lifeboat? Well that was made up. A true and similar fact about a coward aboard the Titanic is that about a man named Daniel Buckley. This man dressed himself up as a woman! It was also true that the band played to calm the people down, they actually played minutes before the ship took them with it. One of their last songs played was "Songe D'Automne." If you payed close attention, and if you remember there were a couple dogs shown in the movie. Well many dogs actually rode the Titanic but only 2 survived. Ofcoarse maybe the tragedy could have been avoided or not been so tragic, if only they listened to the warnings they were given by other ships about the icebergs ahead, if they hadn't exceeded the ships top speed, if they carried more lifeboats, and if other ships near by hadn't ignored their calls.
As I read all these facts and put them together, I realized something quite interesting, disturbing but interesting. The Titanic carried hundreds of wealthy passengers. Do you know how much money they were all worth on the ship combined? 600 million... Does this ring a bell? Yes, that was as much as what the movie was worth!
On April 10, 1912 first class parlor suites for The Titanic cost an equivalent of $90,000 today. That day 2,227 passengers got on board, 705 of those passengers survived. Only one 1st class child died when 49 steerage children died. Did you remember one of Rose's conversations with Thomas Andrew when she asked him how many lifeboats there were? Well, not enough was a correct answer! The ship could have carried 32 but only carried 20 because the extra 12 hid the ship's beauty. A law actually required for there to be 962 lifeboat seats, they carried 1,178, when in reality 2,708 were needed. As shown in the movie, Thomas Andrew gets upset when he realizes that the lifeboats were not carrying enough people. When a lifeboat could have carried 64 passengers, it only carried 28. 472 lifeboat seats were not used. Remember how the character Cal manages to safe himself by taking a girl he found and pretending he was all she had to get on the lifeboat? Well that was made up. A true and similar fact about a coward aboard the Titanic is that about a man named Daniel Buckley. This man dressed himself up as a woman! It was also true that the band played to calm the people down, they actually played minutes before the ship took them with it. One of their last songs played was "Songe D'Automne." If you payed close attention, and if you remember there were a couple dogs shown in the movie. Well many dogs actually rode the Titanic but only 2 survived. Ofcoarse maybe the tragedy could have been avoided or not been so tragic, if only they listened to the warnings they were given by other ships about the icebergs ahead, if they hadn't exceeded the ships top speed, if they carried more lifeboats, and if other ships near by hadn't ignored their calls.
As I read all these facts and put them together, I realized something quite interesting, disturbing but interesting. The Titanic carried hundreds of wealthy passengers. Do you know how much money they were all worth on the ship combined? 600 million... Does this ring a bell? Yes, that was as much as what the movie was worth!
Titanic Sequel?
Is there anything left to be said about Jack and Rose's epic love story? A YouTube user thinks the Titanic movie didn't give enough closure to this love story (or he was bored after watching the movie). With the use of movie editing software, a couple of Leonardo DiCaprio movies and some time, YouTube user Swiped has created his own sequel to Titanic. It's a little far-fetched considering the fact that Jack dies at the end of Titanic, but it's cool and interesting none-the-less. Give it a look.
Friday, October 19, 2007
My Heart Will Go On
Every movie has that one song that people remember and constantly sing to after they have left the theater. Well, Titanic is a perfect example of that. Back in the 90's when Titanic came out, every one was singing Celine Dion's My Heart Will Go On. My link leads to a music video of My Heart Will Go On, but instead of this being a music video of the singer, this video is a collage of clips of Rose and Jack from the beginning to the end. This song captured the true emotions of Jack and Rose, the main characters of the movie, who fall in love, but where then driven away by the sinking of the Titanic. When the Titanic sink, Jack died and Rose was not able to live the life she wanted to with him. This song tells the story of how Rose and Jack tell each other they love each other even though one of them is not around. When people lose the one they love, they find ways to be with each other even if it is through a dream. At the end of the music video, it goes to the clip of the movie, where Rose is on the boat heading towards America. A man who is taking names of the passengers, ask Rose her last name, she responds by saying "Dawson." Even though Jack is not alive, she wants his last name because she knows that if he had not died, they would have gotten married. Titanic is a romantic movie with a beautiful love song that clearly conveys Jack and Rose's feelings toward each other.
Titanic Movie Review

This is a film review by Anthony Leong in 1998. Leong discusses Titanic's actual story, the films director, script, and actors. Of the novel and of course the film it's self accompanied by may quotes from the film. i also like the review because he talks about how the film was directed, "The story then jumps back to the 10th of April 1912, with the boarding of the 'largest work of man in all of history'." The way this review is set up allows the reader to not only read his opinion on the film but they are given the history of Titanic its self. This review will help inform us as well as see new things involving the context of the film.
Titanic - Music To You Ears
Who wouldn't expect a great score for such a great movie?
The Unsinkable

The RMS Titanic was deemed unsinkable by its makers and its trusting passengers. However, it is known that the ship could not live up to its name. The movie Titanic is not shy when it comes to expressing the realities of what happened and in also expressing the culture of that time period. I have linked to a short movie review where the author mentions the theme of class struggles and all the while gives a big thumbs up for the movie.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Re-enactment... but with BUNNIES!!!
Titanic to most people is the best romantic movie made since, I don't know Casablanca? Well I'm not saying it isn't, but did you know it could be hilarious? The movie was so good that there is a parody that is thirty seconds long and is hilarious! All great movies have parodies and this one doesn't change that. I BEG YOU TO CLICK ON IT AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. If not for the animation at least watch it for the bunnies.
Titanic Review
The link on this post will connect you to a linked review of the movie Titanic from the Rotten Tomatoes website. The author, MaryAnn Johanson, praises the film by saying, "If you haven't seen it yet, stop reading this instant and run out to the multiplex," and also discusses the characters very well.
The Mojor Motion Picture vs. Facts

When someone watches TITANIC they are probably thinking that they are watching a true historic film. And they are right. This website compares the film to the actual historical facts. And as it turns out the only real difference is that there was no Jack Dawson or Rose Calvert on the titanic. As for the rest of the characters, most were actually passengers on the Titanic. Captain Edward John Smith, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, and John Jacob Astor (to name a few) were passengers. An interesting fact is that Rose's' character was derived from a real character, Rose Abbot, who was the only surviving woman rescued from the water. These are just a few facts out of the many given to you at this site.
Resurrecting Titanic
Not only does Cameron's masterpiece, The Titanic, hold the box office record of all time, it has also won over 48 awards. The movie's cinematography is compared to Cameron's earlier works such as True Lies and T2; his depiction of the tragic ending of the Titanic far excelled the graphic technology of the time at the movie's release. The magnificent special effects are not what made this film such a success; the adventurous and romantic story and unique characters made The Titanic a truly gripping film worth its dozens of awards.
Four Stars for The Titanic
We all know that The Titanic is one of the most well known romance movies to this day. It actually gives romances some hope of being good, at least in some people's eyes ( personally not mine ). Anyways, searching around the internet i realized that everyone was going to be talking about mainly the Oscars it won and how amazing that is.
So as i looked i just picked a good movie review/description. The author of this starts off by talking about how it starts in the present, and then moves on to explaining the rest of the movies. He talks about the different characters in the movie and what actors played them also. He finishes off by making some comments on the acting, and the movie as a whole and as a romance.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
A Titan of Awards
WOAH! Did you know that this beastly movie brought in 48 awards?! From top box office award to best foreign film, this movie basically won all the awards it possibly could. Titanic is one of the romantic movies that actually made a come back and scored a point for the Romance genre. I'm not a big buff of these romance movies but if you are, and want to watch something similar to it, then watch The Notebook. If you like the idea of a big sinking ship then you could also watch Poseidon.

Iceberg Right Ahead! A Review of Titanic
This review of Titanic is by Joe Tracy, Publisher of Hollywood Lot Magazine. The review is about how he wasn't impressed with Titanic as a love story, but was definitely impressed by it as a story about a ship. He goes on to giving his opinions to why the movie was a failure as a love story. I somewhat do agree with this reviewer, this movie wasn't all that romantic and not very touchy as a love story. When I compare Titanic to A Walk to Remember, Titanic seems more of an infatuation story and like just a summer love thing. Overall I reallyliked the movie. I enjoyed it a lot and was hooked on it till the end.
Titanic Doesn't Sink at the Box Office
The Titanic comic review, provided by Henrik Svlow, comments on the film's box office success being a fluke, and that "Cameron paid for the Oscars." The film did not impress the critics, nor did it sweep Svlow of his feet. He goes on to comment on its pathetic soap-opera style suggesting that the dialogue was weak, choppy, and too staged. The big budget shouldn't have gone to the set, but for a new writer. All in all, one can't deny the epic romance between Jack and Rose. One thinks it may be silly, but we can't turn away from DiCaprio's charm. The film still holds your attention even though we already know (at least we would hope) that the big bad iceberg is about to do the ship some justice. The only reason people saw the film, according to Svlow, was because of other moviegoers flawed opinions.
Trouble with Love Stories
The author Martha Brockenbrough talks about the trouble with love and how it is talked about in books. She explains forbidden love and that it is a classic love story formula. Another part of the love story is love at first sight. Also, Martha said that loves stories tend to break down to say that the one or both lovers die. She says that doesn't happen in real life. Later on she goes on to say that real life love is the love that happens when you are in a 50 year marriage.
Titanic ....Award Worthy??
This link provides us with people's everyday opinions regarding the movie Titanic. Mixed opinions are represented in this which makes understanding the movie easier. It talks about how Titanic's special effects are better than that of any other romantic movie. Mentioned, also, are all the words Titanic has one for its realistic and touching acting and directing. On the negative hand these reviews mention how the actors did not act like people of 1912 would. It also states how third and first class are only pictured, but there really is no second class (middle class) people shown to give us a balance of rich and poor. It also describes how the plot is fairly predictable. In my opinion that is the problem with romance movies these days. You can usually always end up predicting what the end result will be, making the movie dull. All reviewers seem to agree on the fact that the Titanic is a great example of a romance story and you will walk away from the movie satisfied. I agree that Titanic is one of the greatest movies of the romantic genre and it also leaves you knowing how devastating the sinking of the Titanic really was. We get a good sense of the morals of love and following your heart from the characters Rose and Jack. We also learn the moral that money cannot always save you and make you happy. As said by reviewer, niterider003, " anybody who rates this movie below a five is retarded and should all be pissed on."
So who decided to give THIS film an oscar?
Now do not get me wrong, I am not entirely against Titanic. The movies displays some of the best cinematic scenes I have ever witnessed, and of course I am just as much of a Leonardo DiCaprio fan as Elton John. However, I would never classify this movie as science-fiction for obvious reasons: (1.) Jack and Rose were fictional characters (which severely disappointed me when I found out at the age of twelve). (2.) There is absolutely no way Rose would EVER subject herself to the horrendous pseudo-man that is Cal. Ugly does not even describe him. And (3.) It seems a bit sadistic to turn such a tragic historical event into a love story.
Alas, my opinion does not matter. However, I was able to find a similar opinion. The link presents a movie review written by Nathan Johnston, who works for I found his review to be hilariously witty and sarcastic. For example, he stated: "I would not watch this movie again... EVER. Even if Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford told me that they would both have sex with me I would still not see this movie again."
I would not go as far as to say I would never watch this film again, because I truly do appreciate the message it was trying to convey, it would just be nice to get an original love story once in a while. Is that so hard to ask?
Alas, my opinion does not matter. However, I was able to find a similar opinion. The link presents a movie review written by Nathan Johnston, who works for I found his review to be hilariously witty and sarcastic. For example, he stated: "I would not watch this movie again... EVER. Even if Claudia Schiffer and Cindy Crawford told me that they would both have sex with me I would still not see this movie again."
I would not go as far as to say I would never watch this film again, because I truly do appreciate the message it was trying to convey, it would just be nice to get an original love story once in a while. Is that so hard to ask?

Titanic is known as one of the best romantic tragedies of all time. While searching throught the web I found a review of Titanic created by Roger Ebert. He talks about how the movie begins in present time when finding the Titanic underwater. He then goes into talking bout the film in gerneral and the characters. He gives quotes from the movie such as "I can still smell the fresh paint". I believe that he gave a good review on the movie and gave credit where credit is do. Titanic is my favorite movie ever, how do you feel about it? You be the judge.
Top Romance Movies
Basically this website gives the top romance movies of all time. They give the name of the the title and information of the movies in general. Most of the movies that they show are before 2000. I believe that this shows that most romance has gone out the window. Almost a third of them are musicals and before the year 1950. Go to the webite and see if you would rate them like they are and see which movies you would add to the list as a top romance.
This video represents Titanic in a beautiful way. The song’s words and rhythm almost touches the heart. Not only is Titanic a tragic romantic movie, it is also full of excitement. There are other messages that come across from watching this movie; for example, social status, money value, manners, and prejudice. This song winds up the movie in short three minutes in a beautiful, yet dramatic way. This is exactly how the movie is , which is why I feel this clip is not only relates to the movie, but also pleasing. This song is sang by Celine Dion, and I found it on youtube; however, I was not able to download it to this post. So just click on the title of the post, and it should lead you to the page. Enjoy watching the clip.

I found a Titanic movie review by Anthony Leong. In his review he quotes the movie including one from the beginning where the old Rose says, “It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in. Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.” Leong says how the director of Titanic, James Cameron, is best known for his sci-fi films. Who would have thought he would have written Titanic?! He then gives a summary of the film.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
The movie Titanic is very popular and there is a ton of information out on the web. I have found a review by a popular reviewer, Roger Ebert. In his review of the movie Titanic Ebert talks highly of the film saying, "It is flawlessly crafted, intelligently constructed, strongly acted and spellbinding." This one sentence captures his opinion of the film very well. He enjoyed all aspects of the film from the structure of the film and how it was made to the actors performances. Ebert discusses the characters by name and tells us about them. We also learn about the plot and get a clear description of what is to be expected from the film. Ebert also goes on to say that this type of film is hard to make at all and even harder to make it good. According to Ebert the film is made extremely well in all aspects and his overall rating of the movie was impeccable. I have also included a theatrical trailer of the movie which gives a good synopsis of the movies and shows the good acting that the film includes.
Titanic Trivia
Titanic, the classic love story between two people from opposites world. Here I found trivia about the film that you might not even know about. For example, the studio wanted Matthew McConaughey to play Jack, but James Cameron insisted on Leonardo DiCaprio. The famous movie line “I’m the king of the world!” was voted as the #100 movie quote by AFI. And the scene between Rose and Jack, when she thanks him for rescuing her, was improvised by the two actors. Here I provided the link for more trivia on Titanic.
Save the Last Dance
In this movie it shows an interracial romance and how people react to it. The movie is about a white girl who moves to Chicago wanting to pursue her dream as a dancer and meets a black boy who also is a dancer and teaches her some of his dance moves. They start of as good friends but it leads to a serious relationship. Many people did not like the fact that they were together and so they always had to defend themselves and their relationship. I thought that this movie was really interesting and very touching. Reviewer Paul J. Williams thought that this movie was amazing and felt that the characters did an excellent job even though he feels that the subject and the story is old. The genre is romance and to many people, they feel as if there are no more original romance movies. But in my opinion it does not matter if the story is original because everytime a new romance comes out it gets better because they put more effort into the movie and it adds something new to the old story making it more dramatic and also interesting.
American Film Institute's 100 years 100 passions

The American Film Institute made a TV special about the best romances/passions over the past 100 years in 2002. Their web site lists the top 10 movies(10. City Lights;9.Love Story; 8. Its a Wonderful Life; 7.Dr. Zhavigo; 6.The Way We Were; 5. An Affair to Remember; 4.Roman Holiday; 3. West Side Story; 2. Gone With the Wind; 1. Casablanca) and also what the jurors need to keep in mind when making their decisions. The Wed site also allows you to download the whole TV special!
Titanic Statistics
Here's a link from the Internet Movie Database a.k.a. IMDb. Gives you pictures of the cast, background of the movie, what awards it won, worldwide box office, trivia, and a lot more about "Titanic" or any other movie you want. This will help a lot for some quick references if you're having trouble with journal questions. The website in general is a great resource and a life savor for movie enthusiasts. Quick tidbit, "Titanic" has grossed about $1,835,300,000 world wide.
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