Even though the story line for Bourne Identity and Bond is similiar the two characters differ very much. Bond is more of a gentleman, with his suave lady skills and tuxedos. Bourne is more rugged and works in different ways to get the job done, he uses more weapons and shooting instead of physical combat like Bond does. "Bond kills people and then drinks a martini", while Bourne is apologetic towards the end of the movie about killing. Bond is more of a spy while bourne works as an agent for the C.I.A. and is basically anti-spy since he fights the agency that he was employed to. Basically Bourne is the new Bond of our time. A Bond that people our age can relate to. The Bourne Identity is filled with all the action that Bond movies are without all the sex. Jason still falls in love with a women, but we dont see the same kind of "pimpness" that we see in Bond in Jason.
the link leads you to an article comparing Bond to the Bourne Identity movies
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