Thursday, October 11, 2007


As I was searching the romantic genre one of the movies that seem to always come up was Casablanca. The link is a review from The reviewer, Christopher Null, gave the movie 5 stars. He talks about the film and how it is very popular, but many people havent seen it. Overall it is one of his favorites. He said that one of the reasons Casablanca was a great movie was because “some of the strongest characters in the history of film” star in it. It is a historial romantic comedy that has been around since 1942.
“So why is it that this particular film has become so popular among people who are usually so strict, that a romantic comedy is now so well respected that the mere suggestion of a Ben Affleck/Jennifer Lopez remake is tantamount to blasphemy? At a guess I would have to say that not only is it one of the few romantic comedies that is both romantic and funny, not only does it feature strong characters and unforgettable performances, but mainly I would say that it comes down to the progression of the films story, because Casablanca tells a story that, like it's main character, is pure nobility hiding itself behind a cynical shell.” Null stated.

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