Sunday, October 14, 2007

Romance 101

This article entitles "Romance Movies 101" give a general explanation of what the majority of romance films entail. Although
brief, Romance Movies 101 lists important themes and concepts of romance
films. It is included in this article that most romance films include ,"1. A love affair ; 2. Ardent emotional attachment or involvement between people, especially that characterized by a high level of purity and devotion; love.; 3. A strong, sometimes short-lived attachment, fascination, or enthusiasm for something."
The article goes on to explain that "the definition of a romance movie is not written in stone, rather it's a subjective matter." It also takes into account that "one rule of thumb that applies in 99% of all romance movies is that they must have as their central theme, a romantic attraction between at least two of the major characters." I agree with these statements. Whether the romance film ends as a tragedy or ends happily ever after, everyone perceives a film a different way. Though this particular article does not touch upon the predictably of the romance genre, it goes on to explain "Love stories are often the central or underlying thread in most comedies and dramas." So, no matter how the film ends, everyone should agree that the "integral to any romance film is the ability to move the audience emotionally."

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