Distrubia is a movie that takes its viewers on an emotional roller coaster ride. This movie has made people laugh, jump, scream, and feel anxious all at the same time. In the Times Magazine, Dennis Lim writes about the movie’s various actions, twists, and events. “The snooping hero starts out with binoculars, but his techniques soon involve a tripod-mounted surveillance camcorder and a fuzzy live feed via cell phone camera.” Writes Dennis Lim. As the quote suggests, this movie is compiled with suspense, livelihood, technology, and thrill. Being one of my favorite movies, I have seen it many times; however, every time I watch this movie I find myself just as anxious and uptight as the first time I saw it. Distrubia is not only entertaining to adolescents, but to a wide spread of audience. Furthermore, it’s a movie the whole family can enjoy!!
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