The movie Fracture makes us spectators to the match of wits between a young hotshot prosecutor Willy Beachum (Ryan Gosling) and a brilliant and cunning engineer Ted Crawford (Anthony Hopkins). The movie simply pulls you in with its ingenious plot and doesn’t let you look away for a second. Rolling Stone labels it "a twist-a-minute thriller." In the thriller Willy underestimates Crawford initially and then is forced to go into an all or nothing cat and mouse game , with very highs stakes on the line. However the movie is not flawless, Hopkins performance for instance is almost copy and pasted from the early Hannibal series and the whole movie plot does not seem plausible. For what it loses with Hopkins, at times sleepy, performance it makes up with how keenly the movie keeps us waiting for the next twist. "That grinding noise you hear is the script shifting gears," as the Rolling Stone puts it. In the end Rolling Stone describes the movie as "diabolical fun," and I can’t agree more.
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