Harsh Times is one of my favorite movies as it takes us on a crazy adventure through the streets of Los Angeles, while we watch Jim Davis and Mike Alonzo cruise around looking for trouble. In his review, Peter Canavese compares harsh times to an earlier movie made by the same director, Training Day. Canavese writes, “Training Day came off as justifiably pleased with its own adrenaline-junkie theatrics, while Harsh Times seems less eager to revel in its nasty business: drinking and driving, theft, road rage, trippy PTSD nightmares, and realistic shit-shooting amongst men.” Although it is probably not the best movie to show your kids, I found it to be action packed and exciting as you can never tell what is going to happen next. Canvese then goes on to summarize the movie and criticize the main characters. In the end he concludes by putting the movie in context of the war in Iraq.
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