Monday, November 12, 2007

What's with the Phallic symbols?...

This forum specifically talks about the various phallic symbols shown throughout the movie. They allude to the part of the movie where Lambert get cornered by the alien, right before it kills her they show it's tail-like appendage crawl up in between her legs. The other instance the mention is when Ash attempts to kill off Ripley, he uses the rolled up magazine which is long and cylindrical and tries to choke her by stuffing it down her throat. Both of these pretty much align with the theory that they represent rape and fear of child birth. As you can see on the left, the original poster of the movie, it looks somewhat like a female figure sucking on a penis. There must have been some sort of editing crew that decided to go with the current poster we see today. They delve deeper into the background of the artist who designed the original poster and artwork for the movie. It turns out that he has a past with "Father problems." It is thought that that may have a big influence on his art. He has some other artwork with little children like beings being shot out of a gun. The feeling is that he believed the worst threat to humanity is overpopulation. But overall it is agreed that those scenes in the movie do represent some sort of phallic message. As to whether it truly is or not is up to the film makers.

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