Monday, November 12, 2007

"Alien" R R R

Kelly Sparks' review on the rated R movie Alien starts off with a brief description of the beginning of the movie. He makes this movie sound suspenseful and exciting, something that was not at all true to our english 160 class. He also talks about unheard of things like "hyper" sleep, and explains what it is. He then introduces all the characters and who the actors are. Tom Sherritt is Dallas, Kane is played by JOhn Hurt, Veronica Cartwright plays Lambert, Ripley is SigourneyWeaver and last but not least our little robot Ash is played by Ian Holm. He then starts explaining the horrific conflict and eventually tells the whole story. But he finishes with a treat, he has a "Science Moment" talking about bacterias on earth and makes everything feel unsafe here.

This was definitely not the best movie but hey atleast we laughed at it and feel a bit more brave.

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