Wednesday, November 21, 2007

There is no FIGHT CLUB

From the film magazine Film Comment, Gavin Smith takes a look at David Fincher's Fight Club. The movie is based on Chuck Palahniuk's novel, the movie says Smith is "ostensibly an anti-New Age satire on both the dehumanizing effects of corporate/consumer culture and the absurd excesses of the men's movement." Smith talks about the characters in the movie, he comments on how well the actors did in the film, and he also talks about the other films the director, Fincher, has done. Smith also says, "Fight Club takes things one step beyond into new realms of dissociation and movie mindfuck." Smith also mentions the recurring scenarios from Fincher's past films. In a quick summary, I think Smith enjoyed the film and praises it with his words.

1 comment:

alfonsolopez said...

Your link is not properly set up, there's just a blank box above your blog, it would be wise to fix that.