Friday, November 16, 2007


There are three things to keep in mind when you are giving a speech; you have to be mentally, physically, and logistically prepared. Patricia Fripp is a speaking class instructor and she tells anyone who wants to get over their of speaking to make sure to prepare for their speech as well as possible. Meaning, if you have a half hour speech prepare for three hours. Also, make sure that you know the beggining and ending of your speech, making you start and end with fluidity. By being logistically prepared she means that you have to get to know the environment where you will be speaking. If its a large room or stage get in early and walk around to get used to it, so when it is time to speak you are focused on your audience. being physically prepared does not mean that you do push ups before you start, she means to shake hands and make eye contact with the people you will speaking to. Connecting with the crowd will make it less scary. If all fails, shake it out of you; shake your head form side to side, jump up and down, and relax your jaw. Nervousness is natural you just have to learn how to control it and use it to your advantage.

1 comment:

This new thing said...

I think your post hits the point nice and quick. Being mentally, physically and logistically prepared is key.