Sunday, November 18, 2007

Many tips

I found many different types of tips on this page that may help for different types of presentations.

1. Know your material
2. Speak slowly, enunciate clearly, show appropriate emotion
3. Put what you say in a logical sequence
4. Practice at home
5. Use a tape recorder and listen to yourself

Here are some tips that may help you image

1. Dress appropriately for the occasion
2. Be solemn is your topic is solemn
3. Look pleasant, confident and proud
4. Remain calm
5. Speak slowly

This is a list of things you should remember to be careful with

1. Body language
2. speak with conviction
3. Do not read from notes
4. Maintain sincere eye contact
5. Speak and listen to their questions
6. Pause
7. Make sure any equipment is set up and working
8. Know when to stop

If you want more details on these 8 things to remember, go to the link and you will find a lot more to read. Good Luck to all those who still haven't done their presentation!

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