Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Top 10 horror movies

The top ten horror movies of all time have it all. The reason being is because these movies dealt with zombies(#10 28 Days Later, #8 Dawn of the dead), ghosts/dead people (#9 The Haunting, #6 The 6th Sense), the unexplainable/aliens (#7 The Thing'), psychotic killers (#5 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, #4 The Shining, #3 Psycho, #1 Halloween) and demons(#2 The Exorcist).

1 comment:

Jay D1 said...

i think the exorcist was somewhat funny but is too overhyped in terms of how people react when you say "exorcist", halloween wasnt that spooky at all, at least to me

Jelani Whitehorne